Damodar Kunda Muktinath Tour by HelicopterDamodar KundaMuktinathDamodar KundaThe lake is also known for its unique black ammonite fossils, called , which are revered as embodiments of Lord Vishnu.
The journey begins in , where travelers board a helicopter that takes them directly to Muktinath, a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, known as the provider of salvation.
MuktidharaAfter visiting Muktinath, the helicopter continues to Damodar Kunda, allowing pilgrims to experience the spiritual ambiance of both sites without the physical strain of extensive trekking.
This tour is particularly appealing for those with limited time or mobility challenges, as it eliminates the need for long treks while still offering a rich spiritual experience.
Overall, the is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in Nepal's rich spiritual heritage while enjoying some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.
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Day 01 | Arival Kathmandu transfer to Hotel. meals(B/L/D). |
Day 02 | sightseeing Kathmandu Including Pashipatinath, Jalnarayan, bauddha and guheshwori.meals (B/L/D). |
Day 03 | Drive to Pokhara via Manakamana temple. meals (B/L/D) O/N hotel . |
Day 04 | Fly to Jomsom After Some Goverment process flight to Damodarkund(Holy Bath puja etc) fly back to Jomsom. Agian fly Muktinath Temple (Holy Bath, puja etc) contunious to Pokhara O/N hotel at jPokhara . |
Day 05 | Moring sightseein Pokhara and After lunch fly back to Kathmandu afternoon leisure(shopping etc)meals plain(B / L / D) Over night hotel . |
Day 06 | Departure transfer to Kathmandu airport , trip conclude meals plain(B). |
- all required transport including arrival and departure transfer and huddle air tickets and Helicopter flights as per above itenary ,
- Kathmandu Pokhara hotel accommodation 3 / 4 star standard hotel with meals twin sharing basic.
- All Indian veg meals( Lunch , Dinner , breakfast).
- Cable car tickets ,
- airport tax ,& All entrance permit fee.
- rescue and emergency medical charge.
- Tips, Travel Insurance.
- Personal expenses, beverage, mineral water & phone call.
- In case flight cancel additional day hotel stay expenses.